Frequently Asked Questions

Working with Dr. Corn

  • Dr. Corn is licensed in the states of Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Dr. Corn works with patients in these states in person and virtually, depending on their location and preference.

    Interested in working with me but live in a different state? Reach out to Dr. Corn directly at to discuss options.

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  • Dr. Corn practices evidence-based naturopathic medicine. Treatments may include nutrition, targeted vitamins, botanicals, amino acid therapy, detoxification, and lifestyle recommendations. He has prescribing rights for patients residing in several states that also allow for the use of medications and hormone therapy. The goal is always to use the least invasive and most effective therapies that are customized for you.

  • For patients in the state of Vermont, Dr. Corn can bill insurance.

    Dr. Corn does not bill insurance for patients in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. Dr. Corn does not bill insurance directly, but it is possible to have some of your labs processed through your insurance company. Depending on your insurance plan, you may also be reimbursed for some naturopathic services. Our team will be happy to discuss the details with you.


Naturopathic Medicine

  • Accredited naturopathic medical schools are four-year, in-residence, handson medical programs consisting of a minimum of 4,100 hours of class and clinical training. During naturopathic medical school, students are educated in the biomedical sciences as well as the latest advances in science in combination with natural approaches to therapy. They also study disease

    prevention and clinical techniques. In addition to a standard medical curriculum, schools require their graduates to complete four years of training in disciplines such as clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, physical medicine, and counseling. For at least the final two years of their medical program, naturopathic medical students intern in clinical settings under the close supervision of licensed professionals. Given the importance of hands-on, clinical experience for naturopathic medical students, the accrediting body for naturopathic medical colleges does not recognize degrees from online programs of study.

    The general educational structure for naturopathic doctors is comparable to that of conventional medical doctors (MDs) and osteopathic doctors (DOs). In all three medical programs, the first year emphasizes biomedical sciences such as anatomy and biochemistry. Second year classes focus on the diagnostic sciences, including areas such as evidence-based medicine and physiological assessment. All programs progressively increase students’ problem-based learning and integrated coursework, enabling students to learn how different concepts affect one another.

    The exam required to qualify for naturopathic doctor licensure is administered by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE). The Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX) is a two-part examination. Only students and graduates from accredited or candidate naturopathic programs are eligible to sit for the NPLEX.

    State mandated regulatory bodies oversee standards of practice, complaints, and discipline for all licensed jurisdictions. Licensed naturopathic doctors also carry malpractice insurance and maintain a commitment to lifelong learning through continuing education. These requirements are safeguards to ensure patients’ rights to quality naturopathic care.

    Adapted from American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

  • Dr. Corn received his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine and Master of Science in Integrative Medicine Research from National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, Oregon. Established in 1956, NUNM is the oldest accredited naturopathic medical university in North America and a leader in natural medicine education and evidence-based research.

    After graduation, Dr. Corn completed a highly competitive, rigorous three-year post-graduate clinical residency focused on integrative primary care at NUNM Health Center, a Patient-Centered Primary Care Home.


Health Optimization Programs (for patients in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts)

  • Lab orders can be drawn at a local lab near you anywhere across the country. Many specialty lab kits are shipped directly to your home.

  • Health Optimization Programs cannot be billed directly to insurance, but it is possible to have some of your labs processed through your insurance company. Depending on your insurance plan, you may also be reimbursed for some naturopathic services or you may be able to use your HSA/FSA to pay for the program.

    We will be happy to discuss the details with you.

  • Health Optimization Programs are intentionally structured as either a 3- or 6-month program, following a framework that allows us to be the best doctors for you. From a research perspective, regular follow-up visits are the only way to achieve the level of care that will truly transform your health. Customized maintenance care plans are available after the initial program ends.